ABM College is a premier institution specializing in Agriculture Business Management. Located in Sagroli Tq. Biloli, Dist. Nanded, ABM College is run by the NGO Sanskriti Samvardhan Mandal, which has a 60-year history in education, agriculture, skill development, and environmental initiatives. Our college offers a unique opportunity for students to pursue a three-year degree course in Agriculture Business Management after completing XII grade in the Science stream. We also offer residential facilities to needy students at a nominal fee in a secure campus.
Principal Message
Our Principal welcomes you to ABM College! We are proud to offer a unique program that combines business management with agriculture. Our college is committed to providing a conducive environment to acquire valuable knowledge and skills to our students. Our faculty members are highly qualified and experienced, and our staff is dedicated to making your journey at ABM College a memorable one.
Vission & Values
At ABM College, we believe in the following values:
We are committed to providing our students with the best education in the field of Agriculture Business Management. We strive to create leaders who can make a positive impact on society and the environment.
Our faculty and staff are committed to providing the best education and support to our students. Get to know them better here!