About UVT College Library

The Libraries of the institute have a good collection of textbooks, references, general books, and periodicals related to the field of Management. The UVT college Library has a number of International and National Journals, Magazines and Periodicals.

A reading room facility is available for the students. As per the user demands UVT library added the management related books, journals and magazines.

Library Resources


Number of Books:     


Titles Books:   






Services and Facilities

  • Knowledge Resource Hub

  • Newspaper Corner

  • Newspaper Clipping

  • Career and Employment Information

  • Current Awareness Service (CAS)

  • Reference Services & Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)

  • Reading Hall


  1. UVT College Library Orientation Program

  2. Book Exhibition

  3. National Youth Day– Swami Vivekanand Jayanti

  4. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Jayanti

  5. Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Jayanti

  6. Book Review Session

Library Comittees


Dr. Popale Sunita


Ibidar Mangesh

HOD Acadmic

Deore Kunal   

Faculty Representative

Mungade Pavan


Chandrakant Bhoyevar

Student Representative ABM  III

Nikita Hadgale

Student Representative ABM  II

Ibidar Krushnkant

Student Representative ABM  I

Gaikwad Manik

Library Code of Conduct

  1. Library is the heart of any institute .

  1. The library is a reservoir of strength, grace and lakes of mental energies.

  1. Learning never exhausts the mind and to keep up these energies high for learning.

  1. There are certain norms to be followed by each student.

  • Every student entering the UVT College library should always carry an identity card for his/her every visit! It should be produced as and when demanded by the library staff!

  • Every UVT College student is required to enter his/her name in the UVT College library entry register at the entrance of the library!

  • Books will be issued only to UVT College Library cardholders!

  • All the students will be issued three books at a time i.e for 7/14 days on the borrower’s card and one book in the reading room for a day on the UVT College identity card!

  • The date on which the books have to be returned is mentioned on the slip affixed inside the book and those students failing to return within the stipulated time, are liable to pay a fine as per UVT College Library’s Rules and Regulations!

  • Fine of Rs.5/- per day and the per book will be charged on the expiry of the return date!

  • Books are reissued if there is no claim on them!

  • Books issued need to be returned before proceeding for vacation!

  • In case of loss of UVT College library card inform the librarian immediately!

  • Students/readers shall not write on or damage any books, journals or any asset in the library!

  • Before leaving the counter, the borrower must practice that the book returned is in good condition and if not, must immediately bring the matter to the notice of the concerned staff!

  • He/she is required to replace such damaged or lost book with a new copy. In case of unavailability of that specific book, the member will be required to pay the prevailing cost of the book with an additional charge as determined by the librarian subject to a maximum of 100% of the prevailing cost of the book!

  • Students are requested to handle books or any other reading material with responsibility! Defacing or tearing the pages will be treated as misconduct and the defaulter will be strictly dealt with!

  • The library material including Books, Magazines, Journals, CDs, PC and equipment should be handled with almost care!

  • Outsiders are not allowed in the library without the permission of the concerned authority!

  • UVT College and Management reserves incidental rights!

  • Readers should observe complete silence in the Library. Use of a Mobile phone is strictly prohibited!

  • Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the Library!

  • Library users are requested to have a cordial relationship with library staff!